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M42 and 45


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Skies cleared nicely tonight so I set up in the backyard and had a short session. It was pretty chilly tonight. 2F or -17C. Didn't know how long I would last but decided to give it a go. 

M45 stuck out like a sore thumb tonight with the naked eye so that was my first target. I must say that it was quite beautiful. Sure I've seen lots of pictures but taking that first look through an EP was lovely.

Took the short swing down to Orion and caught 42 for the second time. It seemed much more pronounced tonight that it did on the previous occasion. Same site but maybe just better seeing conditions? Seemed to have more contrast.

Then I tried for M31 and that's where things got disappointing. 

I couldn't find it. Not sure what was going on. I figured it would be an easy find but guess not. Not sure where the issue is. I thought I had my scope properly aligned as when I gave up on 31 I punched in Jupiter on the goto and she was right in the middle of the EP. And 42 and 45 were not spot on but showed up in the eyepiece when I slewed over. Oh well. Andromeda isn't going anywhere and I'm sure we will meet eventually.

Since I had Jupiter lined up I figured I would play with my EPs a little. Got some pretty good views with a 9mm. She came in crystal clear. Had a decent view with the 9 and a 2x barlow too. 

Last thing I wanted to try was the 3mm Zhumell that I got a few weeks ago. I must say that it is a monster EP lol! The thing is huge! Well anyway I popped it in and it actually worked quite nicely. I must say that it wasn't the sharpest image but the bands were very distinct. I stood there for a half hour just watching.

Eventually I had to call it a night and pack it up. The cold was just too much. Not for me though. I was toasty all bundled up and could have spent another hour out there. My scope on the other hand started to frost up. 

All in all a very nice night out. Saw something new and learned a little bit more about my scope. I think my next purchase for it will be a different finder. I'm starting not to like the red dot it came with. 

Clear skies guys!

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Thanks Steve. 

I don't know what the deal is. My first instinct is that I didn't have the scope properly aligned. I'm still finding that I have issues with the red dot. Might have to spend some $ on an upgrade there as for now I kinda like the EP's I have.

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Hi Matt, I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures but am pleased I don't have to endure the same temperatures as you are currently.

Finding M31 often seems tricky at first but once found you wonder what the problem was. Have you got some bins. you can use? You might find it helps to locate it first with those and then go to your scope, I'm sure you know that you need to use your lowest power EP for this.

Good luck and keep on with your entertaining reports.

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Thanks Alan. The only bins I have are a small pair. They can almost fit in a back pants pocket. Used to use them for hunting and I don't even know where they are anymore.

As for M31 I'm not quite sure what the deal was. I'm thinking my initial alignment wasn't as precise as it needed to be so using the goto would have been off. It should have been somewhere in the ballpark though as when I went to Jupiter it was almost spot on. 

I'm thinking that the next thing I buy will be a different finderscope. The more I play with the stock red dot that came with the scope the more I dislike it. It's way to flimsy and jiggles too much when trying to adjust it. Plus my thighs are hurting today just from all the squatting down trying to see through it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Matt, I had the red dot finder and gave up, even sold my telescope - although to be fair it was a bottom end of the scale scope. Now I'm much happier with the cross hair finder that came with my new scope.

I had the same problem the first time I tried with M31 too, everything spot on but even though I took an image of it - still nothing there. I did manage to get it last week though so I suppose perseverance is the key.

Don't know how you manage -17c brrrrrrr.


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Hey Matt, I'd say those little bins would have a huge advantage so that you can see what M31 looks like initially. I'm like millions of others who found it really hard to find it first but now can't miss it. Sure this is down to what our expectations of what to see are versus reality. Have you got some star charts or an atlas handy? If not maybe print something off, or use a quick sketch. If you plug in the GoTo location and then see where the red dot is landing in relation to your star chart. Of course you might need to first make sure the red dot is aligned correctly. Like Alan says use your lowest magnification.

Good luck!

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