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New EP!

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It has been a long time since I introduced myself on these forums, things have been busy with the usual mundane stuff to keep me away, but here goes.

Got a new EP for my Stargazer 200P, after being blown away seeing Jupiter and Saturn for the first time last winter and got thinking that the EPs supplied with the scope might be a little 'basic'. I was hankering after Baader Hyperions, but kept putting it off, as you do and then came across the Skywatcher SWA 70 so took the plunge and got a 17mm. It arrived today and looks pretty well made and HUGE compared to the old ones. Now for the daft question: the nice chrome barrel has a lock screw and a notch on the 1 1/4 part. Do I just remove the lock screw and ignore the notch, and use the EP in the focusser as before with the lock screws on that, or is there another way? I can remove the lock screws on the focusser and use one screw on the EP, but that seems a bit insubstantial for the size of it. It is bad enough getting the new bit of kit on such a cloudy night here, I'm dying to give the EP a try!


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thats the hybrid fitting so you can use it as 2" or 1.25" my T2 16mm nagler is the same. i like using it in the 1.25" so just take the screw out and use as a normal EP


Thanks for the reply. That is what I thought, just didn't want to miss something obvious. It seems the screw is removed whether used as a 2 or a 1 1/4, so wondered why it was there at all, really and the notch is redundant? I guess there are different ways of fitting EPs to other scopes, I just have not seen may other scopes. I hope to meet up with the Liverpool AS next month, so will be exposed to more equipment. Actually , that might not be all a good thing.


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