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What kind of magnitude stars can be picked up on a bog standard dslr sensor aat prime focus on a bog standard 80mm refractor on a tracking equatorial mount for say a:

30 second exposure

1 minute

2 minute

5 minute

10 minute....

Thanks for any replies.


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What kind of magnitude stars can be picked up on a bog standard dslr sensor aat prime focus on a bog standard 80mm refractor on a tracking equatorial mount for say a:

30 second exposure

1 minute

2 minute

5 minute

10 minute....

Thanks for any replies.


Hi James,

Is it for focusing or imaging?


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More for just interest.

I was reading earlier and the author mentioned a comet that was magnitude +15, and i certainly don't plan to try and capture it, but i wondered what sort of magnitude object my dslr could pick up.


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More for just interest.

I was reading earlier and the author mentioned a comet that was magnitude +15, and i certainly don't plan to try and capture it, but i wondered what sort of magnitude object my dslr could pick up.


The problem is not the exposure times but the size and type of the sensor, as the MAG 15 stars are  relatively scarce the bright ones swamp the adjacent dim ones unless you really zoom in, a 5 minute exposure with any DSLR is just about the limit that the  sensor can handle unless you have very dark skies and 9 out of 10 seeing.


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