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Iris Nebula NGC 7023 problem

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The problem is that I cannot see it when taking 300 second pictures with a modified Canon 450d, an Equinox 80ed refractor and an Astronomik CLS clip filter. I also tried 600 seconds without success. I have tried twice, at least once I was in the right place as I afterwards plate solved the image with Astrotortilla. Both times I gave up. How long an exposure do I need to see this in a single image? Or if I take a lot of exposures and stack and process the images will it appear? The Bubble Nebula for example I can easily see  at least something in a single exposure. I think this must be very difficult to image! I have bad light pollution so would be limited to short exposures without the clip filter. Could it be filtering out the nebula? 


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The name of the game is taking lots of exposures, collecting as much data as you can, and a shedload of darks, flats and bias (they say the law of diominishing return kicks in at 30 of them, but still worth taking as many as you can, 50-100), if you use DSS try super pixel mode and Median Kappa-Sigma Clipping for darks, flats and bias.

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