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Bubble nebula and M52

dark star

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i am quite pleased with this, you can just see the bubble! As usual more time needed!

Around 12 x 300 seconds and 3 x 600 seconds exposures, modified canon 450d, ISO 800, Astronomik CLS clip filter, Skywatcher Equinox 80ed refractor. Finder guider and DMK41 camera for guiding with PHD . Photos taken using APT.  Darks, flats and bias frames. Stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop.

The stars for some reason look a lot better than when using my Orion Optics UK 250mm F4.8 reflector with a coma corrector, maybe my collimation was out. Guiding also seems better. Next time I will experiment with longer subs. Cloud stopped me trying this time. Any comments gratefully received.




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I hadn't noticed the stars at the edges until it was pointed out. Does anyone have any comments regarding the Skywatcher field flattener vs the Televue flattener/reducer? The Skywatcher is considerably cheaper! Plus I don't really want a reducer. I am thinking of trying my 150mm Mak sometimes so I can zoom in, I have a reducer that takes it down to around f/8.


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When it comes to the Equinox, I have one, the common grey/black one does not work with it. The TV 2008 ff/r does work with it. How ever it is a bit more pricey. There are one or two ther but they slip my mind atm. Sorry. You could get just the ff if you dont want to pay for a ff/r.

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