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Second try at imaging


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Hi everybody!

Tonight i continue practising at imaging.

Nexstar 127 slt + Canon dslr +barlow lenses.



And firts try at imaging Jupiter. Best one from 20+images


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Not a bad start at all. :) Might want to try a faster shutter speed, and/or lower ISO setting for the moon? (first picture)

Its a bit bright white...

Your jupiter picture looks nice also. Better than my first attempt.

The thing about planetary imaging though, is you dont take single pictures. You film them. I assume your DSLR has a recording option? Try to film Jupiter for about 90 sec. Then use a software called Registax to pull out the best frames from the video and stack them for you. :)

Most people do this with either a CCD camera, or a modified web-cam. I got a modded webcam myself, I just havent gotten around to actually using it yet. :p Been collecting dust since last winter... hehe

Anyhow, you're off to a good start there.

Sincerely, Alveprinsen.

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Looks good. Your first images a lots better than my first images.

I don't know your mount so i can't help with tracking, but if there is an option you want to select "sidereal rate" which is roughly the rate jupiter will appear to move across the sky.

Good luck.


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