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Just one more sub...


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I don't care if I have to get up in 6 hours and go to work... I just need a few more subs before I call it a night...

120, 20 second subs of the milky way. A failure to get any good shots of the moon and the laptop is currently finishing 100 subs of Orion.

Hopefully tomorrrow night I can see what I have acquired. I am just inside for a restorative tonic before I go back out to check the progress and start some darks.

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good luck with the subs, i am impressed that you have got your wife outside in these temperatures looking at the Orion nebula!

She has a physics degree and studied astronomy at university. She knows far more than I do abput looking up into the heavens.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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Well, this is what I got last night:

Vega, a bit of the milky way and a lot of light pollution from the moon on the left and a street light on the right ;( 96 subs @ 20 seconds, 18mm, 800 iso and F4 on a Canon 60D


A not very good shot of the moon, 30 subs @ 300mm ISO100, 1/1000 second. Even at 300mm, the moon was only an 800 pixel wide part of a 5000 pixel wide photo.


Finally (after the moon had gone behind the hill, Orion was rising over the bungelow next door. 36 subs @ 10 seconds, ISO800, 35mm, f4.5. there were supposed to be 100 subs, but for some reason Backyard EOS decided to abort the session 5 minutes after I went inside for a drink. Again, this had a nasty light pollution problem on the lower half. despite the light pollution problem, I was chuffed to see a little bit of nebulosity from the Great Nebula.


I was trying to use the photoshop technique of subtracting a blurred copy of the image from the master, but unfortunately this seems to make the blacks very black and it all looks a bit odd...

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