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Filter wheel and adapters confusion...

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I'm still on the market for a proper 2" filter wheel - but still  have a bit of confusion.

Most of my eyepieces are 1.25", but also still have 2" ones - and probably 1 or 2 2" on the way in the next few weeks. with the 2-inch filter wheel (housing 2" UHC and OIII filters ) will I still be able to use it with the 1.25" eyepieces? Does it come with an adapter?

Since I use 2" diagonals on both fracs and 2" to 1.25" adapter on the Dob. it's not a problem using a 2-inch filter for any size of eyepieces. However, not sure how that works with filter wheels. Could somebody please enlighten me on the subject? I don't want to take the plunge and then end up buying adapters and stuff...at least I want to know beforehand.

Thank you!


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The True Technoloby Supa Slim Filter Wheel  can take different Carousels.  One will hold up to 8 1.25 in. filters, another holds 5 2 inch ones.

True Tech also sells adapters, I think, to allow 1.25 inch filters to be fitted into a 2 inch carousel.

One of the advantages of the True Tech is that you don't have to remove any screws to change filter wheels and a change could be done while fitted to camera an telescope.  So, for example you could have one carousel with LRGB 2 inch filters, and another whith Narrowband.

The only thing with a mixture of filters is the potential need to refocus after every filter change.  If you were imaging a faint object without a bright star in the field that might mean having to slew away to one to focus and then slew back - the chance of being exactly in line again aren't good.

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Sorry, reading again clearly you are mainly talking visual.  Most manual filter wheels come with an adapter to allow you to use an eyepiece or diagonal.   Some hold 4 filters, some may hold more.  So if you want to use 2" you would need a wheel that takes 2 inch filters and has a 2 inch EP adapter, perhaps a Brightstar one.   The 1.25 inch filters would need adapters e.g. those from True Tech.

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Sorry, reading again clearly you are mainly talking visual.  Most manual filter wheels come with an adapter to allow you to use an eyepiece or diagonal.   Some hold 4 filters, some may hold more.  So if you want to use 2" you would need a wheel that takes 2 inch filters and has a 2 inch EP adapter, perhaps a Brightstar one.   The 1.25 inch filters would need adapters e.g. those from True Tech.

Thanks. Yep, I'm aiming for the Brightstar 2" wheel. My other concern is the inward travel, how would the filter wheel affect focusing? Sorry, I've never used a filter wheel before so I really don't know.

Yes, only visual. Put imaging aside months ago. :)

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The filter wheel will take up back space, From memory, I think the Brightstar takes around an inch +/- so I guess you could measure to see how much spare you have with each of the OTAs with the EP that take the most when focused.  If you don't have enough spare and the OTA doesn't have any spacers fitted that could be removed, then I guess you wouldn't be able to use the filter wheel with that combination.

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