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Possiblke new imaging scope

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Hi everyone,

I started deepsky imaging about 3 months ago and been upgrading my setup continually over this time. Its now approaching a time when im thinking of upgrading my scope and would like some opinions on a possible option.

I am currently using an 80mm skwatcher equinox with a upgraded moonlite fully motorised focuser with a starlight xpress sxvr H9 mono with full baader RGB and narrowband filters on a HEQ5. I love the Moonlite focuser and would want to transfer to any new scope, so limits my options to 2inch focusers (Moonlite do an impressive range of replacement flanges for alot of scopes) ideally looking for something around F5 to F6 and weight is a consideration for the HEQ5.

Initially was looking at the Skywatcher Esprit 80, but ruled out as wouldnt take my focuser. The other scope I have seen in this price range is the Orion ED80T CF Apo triplet, which have seen some good reviews about. Its F6, lightweight and will take my focuser but will there be any significant improvement over the Equinox 80ED? (worried that at that price, have they scrimped on the optics to afford the carbon fibre).

Any thoughts about this would be appreciated, or if any other suggestions up to the £1,200 price limit would be appreciated.

Thanks evryone.

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