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Considering Skywatcher 300PDS + EQ8 mount

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Hi, I've been considering a CGEM DX 1100 HD or a LX600 12" but have been looking at the cost of a EQ8 mount + Skywatcher 300PDS + EQ8 mount and looks like a good deal (£4K rather than £5-6K) in terms of a stable mount and aperature).  Does anyone know about pros/cons of this vs. the aforementioned SCTs in terms of both AP and visual use (apart from the size...weight compares quite well).



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I know the EQ8 can take a fair load, but the 300 always seems a bit overkill for any scenario. Unless you really need that much focal length? 

Have you considered a Quattro instead? I have a 250 and its basically a sail. Even on a EQ8 i imagine a gust of wind here and there would affect an image. 

(I can't comment on the SCT's, sorry). You might consider an RC though? 

Good luck

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Is the Quattro OK for visual too?  Read that it was good for AP in another community but problems with visual in terms of Coma / distortion due to the fast F/ratio...don't know if this is true though.


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For visual use I'd go for longer focal length of the 300DPS- Quattros are more inclined towards imaging (though the 300DPS wouldn't be that bad either at F4.9) . The EQ8 should be easily capable of the load. The 12" scope should give nice deep sky & planetary views ~44% more light than a 10" scope. The tube is much bigger on the 300DPS so the SCT's might be preferable if you have an exposed (windy) site or need portability?

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