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White balance for modded Canon?


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Hi All

Well I finally got around to having the filter removed from my 1100d  by Astronomiser. Posted the camera Monday afternoon, got it back this morning (Friday) - good service  Andy :smiley:. Hoping for clear skies tomorrow night to give it a go on NGC7000. Has anybody any thoughts on what white balance to use or just sort it out in PS?



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A custom white balance will give you sufficient correction for daytime "family" shots.

White balance settings don't apply to astronomical images.

The final colour balance is achieved by manipulating the RGB in your software (AA5/ Maxim etc)

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When i had my 300D modded I took a custom white balance by taking a photo of a neutral grey piece of card in diffuse (cloudy) outdoor light.  This is a protected image on my memory card and you tell the camera to use it as the custom white balance.  It's pretty good but doesn't fully correct for daylight balance - some tweaking still required in photoshop.


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