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Skywatcher Skymax 102/1300 - any good for AP?

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Actually, those pictures gave me a littlebit of hope... :) I will ditch my plans for this 102/1300 mak... and try out my 0.5 reducer on my 2700, see how that works out.

As for the small faint targets... and quote: "monster focal length scope on a mount that makes the NEQ6 look like it's made of rubber" .. I HAVE been considering the EQ8 Pro... :D But not until I get a more permanent setup on my own property. My rubbery EQ6 Pro and "short" focal length 2700mm mak will have to do for now..

but one day... EQ8 with one of those long focal length cassegrain kickass scopes... :D


I've tried a 0.5x reducer with the 127 Mak (1500Fl) and it introduced coma to an extend, I deemed impossible...

As James suggested higher up - DSO imaging at F/12 is possible, but when you have a 10min exposure of M31 and you can barely see smth on the screen...

I second a Newtonian. I've gone for the 130pds after making the mistake of buying a used 130p that doesn't achieve focus with a DSLR. The focal length of 650 won't give you the zoom effect - thus the 250pds would be necessary.

In contrast to the 127 Mak though, the light gathering power at f5 is immensely different from f/12. I didn't believe it, until I saw it with my own eyes. Now I need an LP filter because I can't image 10min anymore w/o having an almost white image from our inner city skies...

Good luck!!!

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