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First light Advanced VX mount


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Three days ago I received my new Celestron Advanced VX mount, and I'm already in love :) I decided to upgrade since it felt like I had reached the limits of my guided EQ 3-2 setup..it's been a great experience though and I'm really pleased with some of the images produced using that mount.

I decided to go for the AVX and not the HEQ5 mainly due to SkyWatchers crappy alt/az bolts. My old mount was almost impossible to adjust in alt (I live at 58 deg N) even though I replaced the bolts.

So here's the first light using my new mount, my SW 150P and my new Nikon D5200 :) The images were taken under heavily light polluted skies in Stockholm and an 80% lit moon.

40 * 60 sec unguided @ ISO1600 + flats & darks. Darker skies and more exposures would help alot (and improved PS skills).

Oh, I forgot, the scope has not been collimated since March, I guess that's the reason for the odd star shapes? Or was my PA a bit off maybe?



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Great input, thanks!

I can see now how green my original image is :) Do you have any tips for darker sites around Stockholm VigdisVZ? I live and image next to Bromma Airport :)

I'll have a look at the trial Olly, it would sure be nice to use dedicated post-processing software instead of PS.

Had a look through my image archive, and found that Dumbbell was my first target ever imaged :) Back then I were using my EQ3-2 and a "star-eating" Nikon D200:


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Do you have any tips for darker sites around Stockholm VigdisVZ? I live and image next to Bromma Airport :)

Haha, actually I live close to Arlanda Airport ;) I usually do only binocular observation close to home. I only have a semi-good site close by, but the LP from Sigtuna and Arlanda is still visible. However since I'm a member of Uppsala Amatörastronomer we have our observatory site with several piers out in Uppland where we usually go, or to a buddy a bit north of Uppsala who's got it reasonably dark. Maybe you should come hang out with the club someday? We have fixing-evenings in Uppsala regularly and we're having a barbeque out at the observatory site next month.

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Thanks for the invite, sounds like fun! :) However, I'm fairly limited in my travelling right now since I've got a daughter that's 5 months old :)

Might pay the observatory a visit some tuesday later this winter though.

Re PixInsight: seems like a really capable software one you master it, I found some good video tutorials by Harrys Astro Shed. Had a play and the outcome was very much improved. Might have to get myself a license once the trial expires

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  • 1 month later...

Had to buy PixInsight after the trial ended :) That's a piece of complicated software  :grin:

Anyway, came up with this result for the same stack, getting better I think but still lots to learn



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Nice Pics.  I have the Advanced VX mount as well and though Im totally visual it is a great piece of equiptment.  For the price point Im just not sure there is anything on the market that is better then the Advanced VX.  Mine is rock solid, aligns easily.  Tracks precisely and the mount does not vibrate or shake when I am adjusting the focus or banging the eyepiece a bit too hard while observing.  I love mine and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a relatively inexpensive goto tracking mount.  

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