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Hi to everyone

Having just started out with my first telescope last week, I've had some amazing views of moon etc already.....my question is:

I've recently been informed that on August 27th 2013, mars will be at its closest to earth, so much so it states that you'll be able to see it with two moons?? I don't know anything about mars having 2 moons? Apparently it will not be this close again until the year 2287, can anyone shed any light on this subject at all, as I'd like to think I could view it through my sky max 127 syncscan.

Thank you


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Welcome Paul

I'm afraid that doesn't sound right. Mars is pretty small at the moment, and its next opposition is on 8th April next year when it will be about 93 million miles away and around 15 arc seconds across. It will be viewable but not very big in the eyepiece. I don't believe the moons are ever visible with normal amateur scopes.


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Mars is a long way off at present, 23rd being 2 days time.

First week in April 2014 is when we are closest to Mars this time round.

Thing is I can see nothing relevent to Aug 23rd, closest for Jupiter is mid Jan 2014, Saturn looks like mid May 2014.

23rd August 2014 looks about the worst for viewing planets you could get, everything is wrong for it.

Accuracy is fair and pictorial but try Simulator

Fun way of seeing where things are and reasonable enough for observing dates.

By the way, from reading previous meetings with Mars trying to image it and view it has led to much dispair and insanity. :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Mars is always a tricky customer, even when close. It needs good seeing and high magnification to pull the detail out of it but it can be great to see when conditions are right.


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