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CTB1 - supernova remnant in Cassiopeia


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Thanks Steve, Steve and Rob. In my mind there is no mileage in doing anything less than 30 mins for Ha, but that is just how I prefer to operate!

I've since done a second pane to get the suspected SNR above CTB1 - It's an interesting area. I'll not post it yet as it was just a look see to be honest and I need more data. I've settled on a 2 pane mosaic done in RGB. It's about time to do an imaging marathon, I've been far too lazy of late. These Astrodons have made a short run look half decent.

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Superb image Sara....those long subs are great aren't they!!

The more I see the results from 3nm filters, the more a little voice keeps telling me to get one!

:director: GET ONE!

All these members can't be wrong. This is wizard imaging, really fine on all counts, Sara. Pretty impressive homework, too!!


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