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2.5mm Power Adapter...

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I have been trying to find a new 2.5mm plug to solder onto the cable for my LX90...thought these would be easy to pick up from Maplins...not so...(needless to say I had not used the option to stop the cable wrapping round the scope)...

Anyone know where the best place is to get one...or even a decent priced new cable...£15/20 seems a bit rich for a replacement...

This has stopped me getting some good visual/photo ops recently...as the crisp weather gave us some clear skies...



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Hi Stevie,

What clear sky was that then? I am only a few miles from you and apart from last Friday (when I was too knackered to go out) the weather here has been carp.

What did you do that you need a repalcement?

Coming to the lecture on the 20th? Should be a good talk. Also Jocelyn Bell Burnell is giving a talk at Strathclyde Uni on Wednesday (7.30pm, room 3.25 John Anderson Building) - you might be interested.


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Hi T...

Hope all went well on the home front...

I should make the lecture...first this season...off down south mid January for 8 weeks with work so may also make march...need to pay my fees...

Cable wrapped round scope and broke off...not even enough left to solder back on...prob try some electronic shops (RS) Monday...out tonight to a hotel...although Joycie has that bug...no stopping her though...

Got a nice couple of photos from hols...camera on table...orion...using PS to bring out the image a bit and will post the two for comparison this week...



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Hi Stevie,

see you at the ASG lecture this month, then. Flat sold and house bought - at least, all verbally agreed and paperwork under way, so here's hoping. It will be good to have a back garden and be able to do a bit of Astronomy without driving 40 miles.


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