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Foucault tester

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Hi, I have just started to make a foucault tester, to test the 6 inch mirror I am making- if I ever get it finished! I am using the design on the Stellafane ATM website. There is only one snag, as the site is American, the tester needs two 'bell' or 'van' clamps. Does anyone have any idea what these are called in the UK? They hold the copper pipe on which the tester head slides. The clamps are also made out of copper.


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Yes, those are the things on the Stellafane site I am looking for. Who could have guessed they would be called talon munsen rings here?! They are not exactly the same but look like they will work. Thanks a lot, I would never have figured out the name in a million years!

I have discovered a metal rod from an old copier I rescued from the rubbish and dismantled, I knew it would come in handy someday. So I may be able to avoid having to buy copper pipe. I will need to measure the diameter.


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