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Advice about presentation

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Hello all,

I am a student in India. In our institute we have numerous clubs, and an astro club is one of them. We have a new batch of freshers coming in, and we have to put forth a presentation about the club. I would like to know if you have any ideas about what we can present to attract the students to our club? What would you like to see if you are a fresher who doesnt know anything about astronomy?


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You have not said how long you have for the presentation. Do you intend to used Powerpoint?

Keep it simple and short. Talk about what your group does, when and where it does it, and discuss the equipment you use.

Most people will know what astronomy is but not how accessible it is these days.

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I'll be a college freshmen this fall that will probably be looking for some clubs. Like baggy said, keep it simple. Break down what your club is going to be doing and what the new members can expect. Be realistic.

Personally, I'd like to see a lot of events in the field. Get the club together a few nights every couple weeks to go stargazing with some shared equipment. If your members are anything like me, they won't have a lot of money for telescopes or imaging software.

Message me if you want to discuss it further! I'll help out any way I can.

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Hi from the UK.

Good advice above. I'd like to add to that. I think that a short tour of the Universe would be a nice idea. Start with the Earth and Moon, then the Solar System, our galaxy, then then galaxies, finishing off with a pic of the Hubble ultra deep image. Try to include basic facts to give some idea of the vastness and age of it all. Leave out the very technical bits. With care, you can do this in about 5 minutes.

Always try to leave your audience wanting more rather than wondering when you are eventually going to stop.

Good luck, Ed.

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Wow! Thanks all for the wonderful advice! We will definitely incorporate that in our presentation. We will be doing a ppt presentation. So maybe we could put a short video tour of the universe as you suggested! We will be having about 10 mins to present whatever we can. So a short video tour along with a few insights about the club might do it.

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