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Frist light with SPC 900


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Earlier this week a SPC 900 arrived with my name on. Obviously I was eager to get it out to give it a whirl. Heres the results of 5000 frames from 6.6.13.


Saturn 6.6 by A Drummers Space, on Flickr

I had to have a couple of goes at processing this, as the first attempt didn't get much of any use.

While it doesn't have as much going on as my best xbox cam image of Saturn, it seems to be alot smoother so Im sure with some better capture settings and possibly by recording several shorter videos to add together rather than doing one long one.

Hoping to get back out there tonight to have another go :)

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Looks good.

Have you got a Barlow or a Powermate to increase the image size a touch (2x or so)?

It's quite bright, is that how bright it was when you'd processed or have you done that post-processing? I think a lot of people have the gain quite high when capturing the image and it isn't necessary and if anything it burns out a lot of detail.

With regards AVI duration, I don't see how several shorter clips will make things better. If you tracking is OKish, then I'd stick with one long clip; less hassle.

But impressive first go with the new camera. I've got a new camera too and just waiting for a clear night again to give it another go.

Keep up the good work.


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Thats already barlowed, I cant image on my scope without using a barlow due to focus issues. The brightness is abit of both, it was quite bright when I recorded it and I bought out abit more in the processing. I'll give it a little less gain next time and see how that pans out.

The reason Im contemplating shorter videos to add together is because the tracking is ok, but does have a tendency to drift and sometimes I have to slightly reposition the scope halfway through a capture, which I know helps nothing at all.

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OK. Have you got a Bahtinov mask? I think your focus could be a bit sharper and that will also help to bring out a bit more detail like the Cassini Division. I've moved my scope in the past half way through imaging, and then just let Registax worry about it, or manually removed those frames with veedub (freeware which allows you to edit out frames from an AVI).

How long are you imaging for? I'm surprised your Supatrak mount can't manage for 5 minutes or so. Are you doing a good two star alignment with a nicely leveled tripod?


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Its not the goto version, just the tracking one. I always level the mount and align with polaris before doing anything, I think its more that sometimes it can track very very nicely, but then it has moments where it won't behave very well Its only noticable while imaging, for observing it works perfectly fine.

I know letting the processing worry about movement works, but I figure the more I can get without having to take that into account can only improve it.

I havn't got a Behnitov mask, but I'll keep an eye out or see if I can find the right template somewhere.

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