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Hello I have been looking to get into astomony for years and finally got round to buying a telescope this week! It arrived yesterday and obviously I was heart broken when finally I assembled it and look out the window and it was [removed word] down with rain!

So, new to the game I did some research before buying. I went for the Skywatcher 130p I'm hoping to use star walk app on my iPad to locate roughly then line the scope up and find things! Please let me know how easy this will be, and if I'm completely wrong tell me I can take it!

I have the Philips astro box, which comes with star maps etc and hopefully combined with the telescope I will be able to learn about what I'm looking at!

So the telescope came with two eye pieces, super 10 and super 25 and I bought a moon filter!

I was a little upset with the lack on instructions that came with the scope itself but, I think I can get my head around it

One question I do have it the end of the reflector scope has a lid that can either come straight of and fully open, it also has a small hole that can removed, I assume it's all to do with letting different light levels in but I don't fully know which to use as normal star gazing, fully open or the smaller hole!

So tonight's looking promising I hope to get ou later!!!!


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Hi tinsel, welcome to sgl!

hopefully you're read the scope instructions re aligning the mount with north, and from there, use your apps to find jupiter and saturn if you can.

hopefully youve aligned the finderscope already. Start by lining up on your subject with the finderscope, and then goto the eyepiece using the wider view eyepiece to get it centred (the higher number in mm), then put in the higher magnification one for a closer view (the lower number in mm).

you should also be able to get a close look at the moon too. Will be trying that myself tonight if i get chance.

give the scope chance to cool down for 20 mins or so before you view. Use the cool down time to get the mount aligned with north.

Enjoy :)

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Welcome to the SGL.

Remove the cap completely for all viewing. There really is no advantage to only removing the inner cap with a scope of that size. If anything, it just makes the cap easier to remove by taking the centre piece out first.

Clear skies,

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Thanks! I've aligned my finderscope! Exciting stuff! Not completely sure about the aligning to the north business! I'm guessing it will all mark sense to me when I look down the scope and see things moving that I can't follow!!

Thanks for the info on the cap too!!

Hopefully I won't bombard this site with incredibly naive questions! But the help and advice is great!!

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Thanks for all of your help! Got out and got some good moon viewing! Was a bit cloudy for much else! Good fun to look down the scope for the first time properly! I've got a canon 1100d so once I've got the hang of using the scope that will be the next venture!!

Thanks again for the help


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