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William Optics Boxes...


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I have noticed that WO use different colour boxes.

My diagonals all came in blue boxes (new and second hand), however some UWANs I just recently bought second hand came in black boxes.

Meanwhile I have just seen a UWAN on the bay with a red box...

...does anyone know if this signifies anything - like the age of the item for instance?


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All mine, SWANS and a recent flattener are in black boxes.

The SWANS I bought about 4 years ago, the flattener about a year back.

Most likely they have small changes like colour as a marketing change, would suspect that they keep reverting to black as it seems the "standard" in these bits. WO are making their scopes with red colouring on them more and more, could be related to this. An attempt to associate WO with red. The WO carry case for the Meg 90 is Red also. Seems the Blue is the odd one out.

Would be annoying if I had the 3 WO SWANS and I had 2 black boxes and 1 red.

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Having seen that, and knowing of their GTF-102, I looked at the WO site, they have a few items marked "USA only",

It may come to a time when to get the WO scopes you need to order either from the US or go through the WO site - which seems to oscillate between $US and the Taiwanese currency. As none of the "standard" WO suppliers over here or in Europe have them to offer.

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