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Vixen npl 10mm

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Okay so finally made my first upgrade on the EP front. Managed to get hold of a Vixen npl 10mm for £10.

Out last night with terrible LP and clouds that kept rolling in unabated but just couldn't resist.

My first play was to use my stock 10 mm (Skyliner 200p dob) focus in and then quickly switch to the Vixen. What amazed me most was the fact that I had to change to the focuser quite a bit to get clarity between the two ep's. I also now get what it means, when folk talk about FOV. With the Vixen, Saturn stayed in view for a considerable time.

As for image quality, there was a considerable improvement , although I think either another high power ep (6mm?) or a Barlow will be next on the list. For whilst there was clarity on the planet and greater FOV there was not much difference in detail i.e. saw rings but not much else.

Overall very impressed with Vixen, which felt sturdy and I'm sure I will using a fair bit more from now on.

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I dont think the FOV is any wider with the Vixen EP. Far as i know the SW ep's are also 50 degrees FOV. The view though with the NPL's is to me much better. They are crisper and more contrasty. I'm a big fan of the NPL range.

A 6mm should be ok to use with the scope most average nights as it will give you 200x (1200/6=200). I'd probably ease off a bit and go for 8mm. You will get a slightly smaller image but the detail should be better.

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