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EFW2 Sequencer instructions???

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Do you mean the filter wheel control Olly? Yes, that's what it's called. I write a little "How To" :)

Here's a screenshot of my current settings - I'll use it to explain what everything does.


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The sequence table has 10 rows - the easiest way to use this is one for each filter in the filter wheel (you won't want all of these - the maximum AFAIK is 9) and 6 columns as follows :-

  1. Enabled - This determines if this filter is to be used in the exposure sequence.
  2. Exposure (sec) - the exposure time in seconds.
  3. Binning - this is used to determine what binning you want to use with this set of subs.
  4. File Suffix - when the image file is saved, this text is added to the end of the file name. Lets you identify which filter the file goes with.
  5. System Command - I've not used this but I think it's to add a script to control other devices - don't really know.

More to follow...

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Below the table are further settings as follows :-

  1. Sequence repeat mode - 2 options here viz. 1234...1234...1234 or 1111... 2222... 3333... 4444.
  2. Repeat count - this is simply how many times to repeat the sequence.
  3. Delay between exposures - this allows you to set a pause to let everything settle down, vibration to die etc. between exposures.
  4. Delay before start - what it says I guess :D

Then there are 4 buttons to save and load settings, run the sequence (changes to stop once running) and close the window. When the window is closed the sequence remains running - in this case a warning message is given to this effect.

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Now I'll explain how I use the sequencer for imaging etc.

I have my EFW2 9x1.25" filter wheel set up with filters as follows

  1. Ha
  2. OIII
  3. SII
  4. L
  5. R
  6. G
  7. B
  8. Empty
  9. Empty

As shown above in the screenshot, this was how I had my sequencer set up to take LRGB subs of M51 last night. Lines 4, 5, 6, 7 containing LRGB filters were ticked to be active, the exposures were set to 5m for L and 2m for RGB. Binning was 1x1 for the Luminance and 2x2 for the RGB colours. I put text in the File Suffix boxes to enable me to idintify the files by which filter, the time and the binning. You can put any text in here and it will add this to the end of the file name (nice one Atik :))

The sequence was set to take subs in the order LRGBLRGBLRGB... This meant I would get near enough equal numbers of each of LRGB before the dawn spoilt the images. I set everything up the automatically take my sequence of images while I went to bed and let it to it :)

In addition to last night's sequence, the screenshot shows the setting left from where I was taking flats with a 0.5s exposure for the NB filters. With these lines not ticked they were ignored in the imaging run last night. Same applies to line 8 with the empty hole. I use either the L filter or an empty hole when I'm finding the object to image or bright star for focussing.

I think that concludes my little "How To" and hope it will be useful :) Please ask any questings and I'll try to answer them - that applies to anyone :)

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Thanks Gina. It was the command business that had me worried the most!

That's a great help. I've just had a play and got it all to sing.



Glad I could help Olly - just a little to return all the help you've given me :)
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