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Help on adantages of the 8SE and C8 SCT VX

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I am in talks with FLO. I was looking at the 8SE and had pretty much made up my mind and after asking advice from FLO for around the same price, was pointed in the direction of the C8 SCT VX.

Would appreciate any first hand experience of possible advantages to consider when trying to make up my mind.

I would like the most 'stable' in the collimation department if there is one over the other....

Gosh this is proving so hard to decide and I am so wanting to place an order and take receipt of one as soon as possible! :laugh:

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Both scopes are SCT's which hold collimation brilliantly.

I have the standard 8SE so can vouch for it.

Both scopes are pretty much the same price. The only difference is that the VX is on an EQ mount which will allows for imaging.

If you plan to do any kind of serious imaging, i would say the VX is the one to go for.

The VX is a lot heavier then the 8SE, but to most people that is not an issue.

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