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Odd Eyepiece


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At the last meeting of my local astronomical society one of our new members brought in a .965 eyepiece which no one could explain its use.

The viewing end was as normal but the lens end tapered to about a 2mm square which was faceted (4x4 matrix). There was no helpful label describing the item. I do not have the eyepiece and therefore cannot send a photo.

From the poor description can anyone hazard a guess as to its purpose?


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Sounds intriguing! The best I can come up with is something along these lines:


"A magnification device lens assembly for sharpening the focus of the field of view of a magnification device"

I'm not convinced this matches your description though: pictures or sketches or any clues would be great... You've got to love a good puzzle!

Clear skies :)

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Hi Stargazing00 and Aronnax,

Thanks for your interest. As much as I like a good puzzle I have a feeling that this one may take quite a while.

Unfortunately, I was unable to try it on a telescope, but looking down the tube you could see the 'lens' matrix.

I attach a pencil drawing of the eyepiece which I hope improves my original description.

clear skies


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Hi Aronnax,

Like the idea of it being a measuring device. The problem is I did not see a scale when I looked down the tube.

I am trying to get in touch with the chap who brought it to the meeting in order to try it out on my scope. Since he has only recently joined I am not sure if he has recorded his email details. I hope I don't have to wait until the May meeting.



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