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BCF Wedge on a tripod.

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I have a BC&F wedge for my LX200 Classic. I want to use it on my standard Meade tripod (because I neither have a permanent set-up, nor anywhere at home with decent sky views, so I need to travel). I have a problem though.

The problem is this: even though the wedge has an azimuth adjustment bolt, the bolt itself connects to nothing, so turning the bolt has no effect. The head of the tripod appears to have two screw holes on one side. I imagine that what I'm supposed to do is screw some extra widget into there and that then provides an anchor of sorts for the azimuth adjuster, thus making the wedge pivot as adjustments are made.

I've tried searching around for such a widget but so far have had no success. I've tried asking astro engineering but have not heard back from them so far.

Does anyone know where I can find what I need to make the thing work?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well three weeks later and Telescope House haven't been of any real help. If wedges are also supposed to be usable on tripods then I'm a bit mystified that they are sold without all the parts necessary to use them correctly.

Anyone else have any ideas as to how to make my wedge fully functional?

I should add that it would be impossible for me to make something myself as I'm the god of DIY disasters. :icon_jokercolor:

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