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Hi everyone I'm very new to this and I've got a goto telescope with a few lenses, I've got a 2 x Barlow lens 1.25", a super 25 wide angle long eye relief and a super 10mm, can someone please tell me which lens is good for which


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Hi Mat, the barlow is to be used in conjunction with either the 10 or 25mm eyepieces. it essentially doubles the focal length of the telescope, meaning your 10mm will behave as a 5mm, and your 25 will behave like a 12.5mm. the lower the number, the higher the magnification (need to know the details of your telescope to give exact figures).

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The 25mm eyepiece is intended to provide a wider view and is the one you would use initially when aligning the scope during the GOTO set up. Once your on your first alignment star you can then change to the 10mm (or if 'barlowed' the 5mm!) to ensure the object is in the middle of the your eyepiece before moving onto the next star in the alignment procedure. A tip that will help ensure you have the star centered is to slight have it out of focus, the more you do this the larger it becomes and so the easier it is to centre against the furthest view inside the eyepiece - known as the field stop. Eyepieces that come with scopes these days aren't bad and certainly an improvement on the jam jars they used to give but you might find the barlow is not up to much in the quality department. The Revelation brand of barlows are modestly priced and will certainly offer you an improved view but others here might suggest alternatives.

Clear skies


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Thank you all my telescope is a skywatcher 1145p and not as easy as I thought it would be ! You've still got to know the brightest star or two, but slowly I'm getting there

Thanks again

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