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Just saw a Meteor(ite) I think...!


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So i was just putting my scope back in the shed after an hour of spotting through very desperate holes in the clouds and as I was doing it I noticed in the North East an extremely bright light flash coming downwards. My first thought was firework but it was coming downwards. Only lasted a second or 2 tops, less than 5 minutes ago.

It was a tear shape, moving as quickly downwards as a firework goes upwards. Was a very distinct green colour with a white/orange flare on the point heading to ground. Made absolutely no noise. My brain gave the impression it came down no more than 100 feet away but given the lack of noise it could've been miles away.

So odd, that's 2 like that in a week I've seen. the other I spotted coming in at a shallow angle, about the same light intensity. Given the way I saw this coming straight down I may have been directly under it and it may have been travelling along a similar shallow angle at high speed.

Must be something to do with all the recent activity, like debris or something from whatever caused those larger meteors.. Never seen anything like it. Stayed about for a few minutes looking in the opposite direction in case there was an imminent shower or something. It's about the same time of night as the last one I saw as well.

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So i was just putting my scope back in the shed after an hour of spotting through very desperate holes in the clouds and as I was doing it I noticed in the North East an extremely bright light flash coming downwards. My first thought was firework but it was coming downwards. Only lasted a second or 2 tops, less than 5 minutes ago.

It was a tear shape, moving as quickly downwards as a firework goes upwards. Was a very distinct green colour with a white/orange flare on the point heading to ground. Made absolutely no noise. My brain gave the impression it came down no more than 100 feet away but given the lack of noise it could've been miles away.

So odd, that's 2 like that in a week I've seen. the other I spotted coming in at a shallow angle, about the same light intensity. Given the way I saw this coming straight down I may have been directly under it and it may have been travelling along a similar shallow angle at high speed.

Must be something to do with all the recent activity, like debris or something from whatever caused those larger meteors.. Never seen anything like it. Stayed about for a few minutes looking in the opposite direction in case there was an imminent shower or something. It's about the same time of night as the last one I saw as well.

I may have seen it too. I was walking along Baron Gardens in IG5 here when I saw a green light streak overhead. I only caught a brief glimpse - about a second before the buildings hid it from me. From my perspective it was heading west, maybe wnw.

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Awesome! Sounds Like it. The same green as copper burns I would say. Looking at your location you are basically on the same longitudal line as me. I'm Stevenage. I'd say wnw from where I was so West from you would triangulate or as being high and very fast

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I'd say there was no doubt this was something inside the atmosphere coming to ground. It had a long green tail as well and a distinct orange/white flare on the leading edge indicating a large build up of heat. In length it was probably about 10-12 degrees of sky long id say. Moving very quickly.

Like this but a green tail


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