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Hi, Konus giant 20x80's


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Hi all,

My first post in here.

I was waiting for the full moon to come up the other week in order to photograph it. So i thought i'd point the camera (EOS 60D) at the Orion nebula with a 250mm lens on it and see what i got. To my surprise (as i'd never tried anything other than 15mm wide field shots of stars) i could actually see the nebula and make out some colours. I was quite pleased.

i've often toyed with the idea of getting a 'scope but due to the amount of LP where i live coupled with other reasons i's always shied away. So after doing a bit of reading of some of the excellent threads on these forums i decided to get some big binos as a compromise.

Obviously i would have liked some top draw Swarovski's or similar but out of my price range sadly. I looked at 15x70's first but in the end decided to go for that bit of extra mag. In the end it came down to either the Revelations or the Konus. I opted for the Konus ones in the end (though i'm not quite sure why now). Does anyone else have these? What do you think of them?

Anyway, i bought a camera mount for them as well so i'm looking forward to dabbling in some imaging and and i'll do a first light review when i get them, if i ever get a clear sky again!

I'm fairly new to astronomy (though i do know a few objects) and this looks like a good place for resources so i look forward to bugging the hell out of you all for advice!

Cheers all.

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I think i read the Revelations were the same as the Celestrons iirc but i guess all three could be re-brands without having a check to see.

Well the binos have arrived.

The build quality seems about right for the price. They dont exactly scream quality at you but they seem solid enough, actually a bit lighter than i expected. The case and strap do seem rather cheap but yet adequaite i suppose. Only had a quick look through in daylight so far and everything seems fine.

Unfortunately i appear to have bought the wrong mounting for the camera. I one i've got is suitable for a compact but not a dslr. Thinking of getting the Baader Microstage II which looks like what i should have bought in the first place...DOH!

Tried them mounted on a cheap old tripod i had lying around and i dont think its gonna be up to the job...something sturdier required i reckon.

I'll be back with a first light review.... if i ever get any clear skies again!


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