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A slippery question

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Can anyone tell me what generally is considered the best grease to use on

a mount/motor gears etc that will give a nice smooth action but also provide

safe lubrication?

Obviously to be used after having first removed the thick sticky gloop sludge

stuff that is used by the manufacturers.



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I think you can get worm grease. Those are worm gears after all. Also bear in mind that you should move the gears through their full cycle regularily when the scope is not in use. Gravity may be a relatively weak force but it is mercilisly relentless and over time it will strip all the gease out of your gears. By turning them through their full range of motion regularily you keep the grease well distributed and keep gravity in check.

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I always use white lithium Grease. Regreased the HEQ5 with it without problems. Can be purchased in a squirty can which is what I use.

Hope that helps?



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Your best bet for any grease or oil (on metal) is to get something that is fully synthetic. Natural oils and greases contain small particles that will wear your gears quicker than synthetic.

But please take Stargazing00's tip. Make sure you work the grease all around regularly. This will keep the grease in top condition for years on end and save your gears so your grandkids willbe the ones who have to decide on wether to re grease or not.

For a teflon surface, grab a can of spray silicone. This is great for anything that can be regularly exposed to the air. Spray silicone also does not attract dust. Make sure it's spray silicone though, not some weird cheapie.

The spray is quite cheap for what it does. I bought a can in my local hardware for $8 a couple of days ago.

As you won't need a lot or to replace regularly, go for some seriously top shelf grease.

Yellow pages (business), look up lubricants and call a distributor in your area. They would be the best to advise which particular brand that's available in your area. The one that I use here is locally made and not exported.

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