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Hi all


At the moment I'm struggling to understand the technicalities of the available software e.g. Maxim etc I have a celestron cg5 gt with a C9.25 and a DSI II camera but I have read that celestron and meade don't match, but I'd like to guide etc from my laptop.

I know it seems daft but I have a huge problem with terminology, my poor brain doesn't seem to be able retain it so answers in simple laymans terms would be great.

Many thanks


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Hey pip how's the cg5 gt, all good i hope!

Download yourself a copy of PHD Guiding, free, easy to use and sets up in no time.

I myself have used PHD with the DSI I.

You'll also need ASCOM drivers which are vendor independent so will work with any mount. Do a google search for them.

Finally a RS232 to serial cable from your PC/laptop to your mount handset.

I bought one off Ebay here 93920 for Celestron NexStar PC connection]

hope that helps

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Just a question....

What camera are you planning on guiding ?? are you using a different scope for quiding ??

I only ask as i recon your CG5 might be at the weight limits if you have another scope attached to the sct and imaging might be tricky.

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I haven't decided on a guide camera yet, any suggestions?

As you say it's probably pushing the mount but I have the option to switch to a C8 OTA, that should lighten the load.

To be honest I'm pretty new at this and I'm quite keen on trying to get some imaging done, I've mostly been just viewing until now.

Unfortunately I don't get a lot of available time and when I do those nasty things keep on appearing (clouds of course).

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You do not have to have a guide camera/scope to image.If you look at Celescopes images its only until very recently that Rog has started to use a guiding setup, I would give my eye teeth to be able to achieve one of Rog's unguided images with my guided setup :smiley:

With Orion coming around you have the perfect target to cut you teeth so to speak.The Orion Nebula.Its very bright and easy to find.And then at the moment Comet Holmes is a very popular target.

Just spend time setting your mount up accuratly ie level and polor aligned and you should be able to get exposures upto 45 secs with no problems

If you use a stacking program such as Deep Sky Stacker you will be able to combine multiple images into a single longer exposure giving you a better image.

Do you have a Photo editing program ?? If so you can then adjust the image to gain extra detail to enhance your image.

If you check out the imaging section you will find primers covering the basics of imaging


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