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NGC 891 - Practice LRGB


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Bit of a practice this as the only LRGB I have done is M33 and M27.

130mm APO , F6 , Atik 16HR , 40mins L , 30mins each RGB. Very hazy sky , moon rising.

Colour a bit off , some alignment problems , a bit noisy.

But not bad for the first go at this object. Probably do better when I get the C 9.25 or 10" LX200R :smiley:



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The colour is only 'colour balance' problem John, and you need to experiment with the 'weighting' of the RG&B frames.

The guiding is good, the object is nicely framed, and there's some nice detail in therel. A bit more aperture would certainly help with the 'noise', but 'all in all', a pretty good effort.

Nice one!!


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Thanks for the tips , Dave.

I rushed the processing a bit to get a result.

At the weekend I will use the data more carefuly and see if I can improve the final image. There was a good article in Practical Astronomer on LRGB.


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So I have got it down to the C 9.25 or the 10" LX200R - subject to the wife not finding out :smiley:

John, I'm sure that either the 9.25" or the 10" will provide all that you need.

I only changed from the 10" to the 12", to offset the lower sensitivity of the SXVF-H9C, compared to a mono alternative.

I had my 10" LX200GPS for five years, and loved it!!.


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