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Horsehead HA


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Lots of moon(94%) so not the best but it was more of a test of the scope and guiding as it hasn't been used for a long time. Also lots of nasty reflections from the bright star Alnitak just to the left out of screen.

I havn't used this scope for a long time and i've changed the guided scope position and I'm happy so far with the guiding.

8x10min subs with flats,

Atik 383L+ mono camera,

Baader 1.25in 7nm filter,

TS filter drawer,

skywatcher 8in f5 reflector,

Celestron CGE mount,

Baader MPCC,

Stacked in DSS and processed in PixInsight.

Full size image here http://www.flickr.com/photos/46302893@N02/8500362384/sizes/o/in/photostream/


Horsehead Nebula by meg rac, on Flickr

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