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A bit disappointed by my view of Jupiter

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Just a note, most of the images you see we're not viewed that way but it doesn't mean you can't capture that kind of quality. The imaging equipment does wonders that they eye simply can't, also post processing really makes a difference. Using a Barlow might help you get some more detail visually.

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I found Jupiter regularly a bit of a letdown through my 4 1/2 inch reflector, hardly better than the small frac, until last evening when I went out about sunset. I had the focus just so - found it easier to focus on the Moon and then move the scope to Jupiter - and got a good sharp image (at least in the centre of the field) at 225x with the SR4 eyepiece with the equatorial and north temperate bands visible and some darkening around the south pole. I think the twilight sky reduced percieved glare and light scatter, and it meant it wasn't so cold either! Hopefully with a good eyepiece and fine-tuning the collimation it'll deliver even more, I'm considering a 6mm Baader Classic Ortho.

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