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First Foray into Widefield

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This was my first shot at widefield. It was taken with my 1100D and the 'nifty fifty'.

This is 40 subs, using 8sec shots @ ISO1600 (camera was on fixed tripod).

I noticed a little star trailing (as expected) but also noticed some flares around some stars. I've not seen this on my scope images and was wondering what it was and if i can get rid of it?

Flared Stars




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Is the flared stars image a crop of the wide field? It looks like it is, but I'm not 100% certain. If so, the flaring is probably down to the lens. They're often not perfect wide open, especially away from the centre of the image. Stopping the lens down a bit would probably help. My notes suggest f/4 or thereabouts for the nifty fifty, but that seems quite a small aperture and I've not had a chance to try it yet so it would be worth experimenting taking a range of shots at different apertures to compare the effects.


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