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Asteroid Star Map/Guide

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Hi all. Does anyone know of a map or guide that will plot the path of the asteroid tomorrow night so that I can find it with my telescope and also any tips on how to spot it? So far weather is looking good where I am in Woodley, accuweather is showing partly cloudy so hoping there won't be too much cloud, fingers crossed!

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The problem with the proximity of the asteroid is that parallax means that its position will be different depending on where you are (by as much as a whole degree over the UK, I gather). Probably the most precise way of getting a fix on it is by getting the co-ordinates from here and inputting your own longitude and latitude. Well, that's what I'll be using anyway.

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great stuff, does anyone know what it will look like, ie. bigger than the dot of a star or like a satellite, will it be moving fast enough to spot it against the stars?

It'll look just like a 7/8th magnitude star, moving at about two moon-widths per minute. So you should be able to see it easily.

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found out that sky safari has an update which accurately tracks the asteroid which is handy as i have it. i have generated a star map as it crosses ursa major at 21:30 if anyone is interested, going to be using this tonight, weather is looking good, can't wait!


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