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Satellite moving through the black hole - what is it there?


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Just wondering what could it be in this image


I stacked yesterday the red channel, saw what I felt is a satellite trail. I thought I will deal with it in post-processing.

Today was the green and the same stuff in the same place. I checked if I stacked the red twice but it was not the case. I found two distinct subs - red and green - where this artefact was very strong.

Apparently there was a weak signal (or whatever) from it on other subs as it was not rejected. Other trails are removed as usual. So was it a kind of gamma ray burst or just something worthy of clone-stamp only.


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Really odd. Are those images the stacks of the red and green subs, or are they the two individual subs that have the trail prior to stacking?

It looks to me that the trails are in a fixed place on the frame (the framing is slightly different between the two subs, and the trail is therefore in a different place relative to the stars).

They may be artefacts introduced by the camera; would make more sense if it was orthogonal to the frame and due to problems reading out a row or a column, but I suppose some kind of timing clock/voltage issue could cause a diagonal trail. The only other option I can think of is some kind of reflection artefact in the imaging train, but it doesn't look like one to me.

Or maybe it is aliens?

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Apparently aliens;)

These are two individual subs though calibrated and registered. They look the same uncalibrated. I reckon it's a satellite as the subs happened to be started and stopped the same time two days.

Strange they were not removed.


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