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New Scope Additionam


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Hi i have a thread running in "whole setups" that i think i should have put here. Mods please move of you can ????

In short I have sold my CPC1100 (great visual scope but no real options for DSO AP) and realized £2500. Some idea of a good scope for imaging to complement my ED80 please? Would also like the scope to be good for visual as well since i still like that very much. So my initial thought was a C9.25 could be a useful visual scope and add some AP options and I could add a bigger refractor/MN190 to my stable as well?

Rgds, Steve

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Steve, for the new scope to complement the ED80, is the aim to have one more suited to galaxies? If so, then you may also want to give the GSO RC8 some thought. Maybe consider also a CCD (Atik 314L+or similar) to complement your DSLRs.

Hi Martin,

Yes, a "closer up" capability of galaxies, GC's and PN's is what I am after. I could get one of these and perhaps another good C11 used for visual. Will look into it further !

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