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webcams and expriments..


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Here's another version of Jupiter from last night with the XBox webcam - this time processed using Registax5 (not 6 - I can't get to grip with v.6)


I'm struggling to ge the detail/definition that other people are getting - but that's probably down to the scope more than anything.


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Well a few of the bits turned up from china. Got a couple of webcams but these seem to have very tiny sensors so I don't hold much hope for them. They were also the wrong ones so will be contacting the seller. I did however receive the tec so can start on the cooling side. Just need the led controller to arrive.


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One of the monoculars turned up this morning. First look at it, the optics seem ok with a nice ruby coated 32mm lens with a focal length of about 145mm. The whole objective unscrews from the prism section with what looks like a 19mm thread. I will have a better look later, got a busy day today.


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I have been looking at the monocular and glad I ordered 2 as the optics seem good enough for keeping one in the glovebox. As to using it with the web cam i first tried removing the eyepiece as it just unscrews but due to the prisms and the shape of the xbox cam it cannot be bought into focus. This leaves the main objective lens. This also just unscrews. So going with the rough 145mm FL i will need an adapter about 80mm long to attach the webcam. For the prototype i will machine up an adapter with a 12mm thread on one end for the webcam and a push fit into some PVC overflow pipe i have. I will then machine a bit of pipe with the female thread of the objective holder in it so i can slide on inside the other to get it to focus. If this works i have found a nice piece of alloy pipe i will make a more 'finished' adapter out of.

I have also been thinking out how to attach the xbox cam circuitboard to the tec cooler module i have in mind. I think the easiest way would be to build a dam of tape on the back face of the board and fill this with epoxy to give a flat surface to mount the cold finger to. This will cool the whole camera and not just the cmos chip. I just have to finalise the design and then go get some ally to machine the cooler body from.


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Managed to make a start on the adapter. As usual I had less time than I thought and had to change the setup of the lathe. I thought i would include some 'action' shots for those that are interested.

First i took some 19mm 2011 aluminium and turned it down to 17.5mm that would be a good fit in the PVC pipe.


Then i turned down 3.5mm of that to 12mm for the thread for the webcam.


Well i have made a start. Tommorrow i will set up the lathe to thread 0.5mm threads and thread the end. I decided to do it this way as the objective thread is 0.75mm threads and i have more of these to do. Thats as soon as i find my 60' small threading tool...


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Here's another version of Jupiter from last night with the XBox webcam - this time processed using Registax5 (not 6 - I can't get to grip with v.6)


Just for comparison ... heres an image I took tonight with my new Philips PCVC840K that I just got off ebay. Using exactly the same scope and stacking technique....


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I didn't need to flash the firmware ... it works as-is on XP and you can make it work on Win7 (which is what I have) by installing the SPC900 Win7 drivers and then tweaking a couple of the driver config files slightly. The PCVC840K uses the same CCD chip as the SPC900. You can re-flash it to become an SPC900 - not sure what benefits that might bring. I got mine off ebay for £28 - which is a heck of a lot cheaper than the SPC900s are going for :laugh:


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Got a bit more of the adapter made.

Threaded the end for the webcam.


Testing the fit with a spare lens holder.


A quick polish up on the external diameter. It was then cut off and turned in the chuck, then a small taper machined into it.


Testing the fit in an xbox cam and the monoclular next to it.


Tomorrow i will get the pipe machined to fit the monocular objective..


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I finished the adapter. Some more Pics..

Threading the pvc pipe.


Testing the fit on the objective.


Finished Adapter.


Attached to Xbox cam.


View from the front showing objective.


It took a while to find the focus point, but due to the construction it was easy to trim the pipe down to get into focus. I just trimmed a few mm off at a time till it was in focus. The PVC pipe can be slid along the alloy adapter to focus from infinity to about 10 feet. It gives quite a good picture as well. Here the first picture through it, It is the house across the roads tv aerial, just as it was starting to get dark. There is no IR filter in the setup. I could if needed fit the original one which was removed.


If there is any gaps in the clouds tonight i might be able to get a pic and see how it performs.


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I managed to go out and get some pics. These are just snapshots from Sharpcap and no processing.



51,53,56 Tau (i think)


Unfortunatly i could not get a better focus. And it steadily got worse. Getting very confused as i was under a time limit as i had to assemble the babys new cot, i decided to try the ps3 cam. Going back inside i found the problem, the objective had misted up. :BangHead:

Well with a makeshift toilet roll dew shield i went out with the ps3 cam but could not get that to focus as the PVC tube could not fit through the hole in the ps3 casing. More modifications for tomorrow. I have to say the PS3 cam really does look cool with that long lens attached!

Well the cots now assembled, so going to have another play.


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It had clouded when i went out again last night so i gave the lens assembly a good staring at to see if there were any impovements i could make to it. Well looking down the objective i could see that there are no baffles and that the alloy adapter i made was shiny and very noticeable. Also due to a bit of tool resonanace when boring the taper, there was not a smooth finish to the taper. To try and stop possible wierd reflections, as this may have have been contrubuting to the odd star shapes along with the high cloud and misting lens, I blacked it out.

What i would like to do is properly baffle it. I dont think i can do anything to the original monocular part as, the lens seems to have been glued after it was screwed in, but i should be able to make up something for the PVC tube, and maybe something for the alloy adapter.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well finding a bit of time this morning whilst looking after the baby, i managed to assemble these bits together to make an unholy case for the xbox cam. I have an idea of what i want to achive and roughly how i want it to look, but dont have any drawings so will be winging it as far as the prototype goes!


At least it should be an interesting build... I will produce the hot end heatsink and coldfinger first and see how that looks with regard to the circuit board then machine out a front panel to take an old ep tube. I want all wiring to be hidden and the whole is hopefully going to be anodised. I currently have red and black dyes (industrial anodising, not fabric) but im leaning towards the red at the moment..


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Will do. Stuck watching Starwars: The Clone wars with my baby boy at the moment but hopefully may get something started this afternoon. Looking after the baby is hard work!! :grin: :grin:

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oh didnt see this thread before i have put my own thread up but might as well stick my mods on here, i've stripped my xbox webcam down and rehoused it, i'm also waiting on a 40mm fan to add to the case to cool the ccd down, not sure if it will make much difference but it was cheap so i thought why not..

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That looks good, I think anything that gets the heat out of the cam has to be a good thing. That big control chip on the camera produces a fair bit of heat and its almost right on the back of the ccd. Seems we all are trying to do the same thing, AND have the same telescope. Should be interesting to compair results.


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i might have to wait a while to receive my fan as i cheaped out and ordered from honk kong as a direct 5v one from the uk seemed a little pricey for a small 40mm fan, now with the direct 5v i can just use the usb supply..

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Well i did not cut any metal today but decided to learn freecad instead. Managed to draw this up which will be the back part of the case.

Fan Side


Peltier Side


Still not quite finished, need to add a few wire holes, and still have to do the cold finger and the front section, but im quite impressed as never used any form of 3d cad before..


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Got the front drawn up as well :grin:



So far this software has quite an shallow learning curve to just get going. No doubt the advanced features will tax me alot more!!


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