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Best Starter DSLR?


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I can see that this discussion is pretty much done with, but just out of interest, the 1100D vastly out-performs the 1000D and 350D. In the last few iterations of Canon's EOS cameras, they have introduced several improvements in the sensor including increased purity of pixel sensitive material, increased pixel fill and micro-lensing. All of this adds up to the fact that although the 1100D has smaller pixels than say the 350D and is noisier than the 450D, it is far more sensitive than either and capable of producing superior results.

This image shows web-compression artefacts, but you can see how sensitive it is. This was taken by a guy that has being dSLR photography for 4 months.


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I can see that this discussion is pretty much done with, but just out of interest, the 1100D vastly out-performs the 1000D and 350D. In the last few iterations of Canon's EOS cameras, they have introduced several improvements in the sensor including increased purity of pixel sensitive material, increased pixel fill and micro-lensing. All of this adds up to the fact that although the 1100D has smaller pixels than say the 350D and is noisier than the 450D, it is far more sensitive than either and capable of producing superior results.

This image shows web-compression artefacts, but you can see how sensitive it is. This was taken by a guy that has being dSLR photography for 4 months.


I went for the 350D because it was offered to me at a good price, including a lens (as I had no camera before, I needed one!), I'm sure as I get more experienced I will move up into a more expensive DSLR with live view, but for now I'll just be learning the ropes :).

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