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Books and planetsheres

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Books are a bit of a pain. You either got on with one or you don't.

Also how much lnowledge do you have? As in where to start.

A planeshphere is good for constellations, it shows what is up there and where about it is/should be.

I have TLAO but I prefer The Monthly Sky Guide, for me it has more information as I prefer it.

Now an idiots guide is always a good idea, if you have no or little knowledge start at the bottm not with something that presumes you have 5 years experience and a degree in astronomy.

Your 3rd post arrived, if it a monthly set of information you want then think about the monthly sky guide as mentioned it is by Ridpath and Tirion it would do in one book what the S@N covers over the year.

P.S How do you manage to peer through all the light pollution of Coventry ?

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Im ging to subscribe to the Sky at NIght first.

I wouldnt say I have no knoweldge. I can find my way around the sky and can identify constellations and can identify many main features. I just want to see them in more detail now

Coventry isnt that great.. but I go out walking and camping a lot so and where I am a Scout Leader its a lot darker.

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Also I have several apps on my phone which are great as i can see them infa red in the dark. Would i benefit from the planetshere or are the apps sufficucent? Im thinking would i actually be able to read them in the dark or would a book contain the same info and star charts?

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