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First telescope advice

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Hey guys, I used to come on here a few years ago when I was a student to look at peoples pictures etc but couldn't really afford to buy a telescope so fell out of habit of coming on here.

Fast 2 years and I've now graduated and have a job that leaves me with money burning a hole in my pocket! So after watching Stargazing Live I decided to get round to buying a telescope again and here we are.

So I've had a look and the telescope I originally wanted hasn't been updated or another brought out, the Skywatcher 130p Dobsonian:


However another option seems to be available now, the Skywatcher 114p Virtuoso


Does anyone have one of this? What are your thoughts? What are your thoughts on the two telescopes?

I want one like this as they're easy to set up and relatively compact as the only place I have to store them at the minute is my bedroom until I move out the 'rents house.

Thanks for the replies guys, good to be back!

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