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Is this realistic ? Have I understood this correctly?

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The plan...

Right brain fried now... but the day of the hand control is over no more finder scope contortionist stunts, no more human error and a whole lot less stress or at least I think ! I´ve got everything taking to each other and running with simulators.

Software used;



Maxim DL

Starry nights Pro Plus.

This is a bit long winded but its the way forward. I just wish I had a dome...

The connection.

Mount to Maxpoint via ascom drivers then I hook in Alignmaster, Maxim dl and Starry nights Pro plus to Maxpoint

Starts here.

Polar align master which slews around to various points takes a series of pictures automatically plate solves them and using on screen visual guidance I just adjust the mount as shown this gets me with in 1 arc second which is good enough and only takes about 6min to do "they say"

Then I hook up Maxpoint which will automatically slew my mount to various points in the sky plate solve the images and use this data to build a accurate model of the sky but not only that the model compensates not only for cone value but for flex also giving 1 arc second accuracy over the whole sky.

Then I´ll hook maxim dl to maxpoint and also starry nights pro plus to both maxpoint and maxim dl the benefits of this system is long!

Its almost totally automatic apart from the physical adjustments I need to make to polar alignment.

I never need to recalibrate auto guiding because the guiding software also knows RA/DEC coordinates which helps the software adjust parameters for all parts of the sky and also as the hours go on.

I can set my camera and filter wheel to run automatically in any sequence I like.

I can also set my system to take mosaics by its self.

If I need to go back to a image to collect more data I just open a sub from the last session pinpoint it with the astrometry engine and the scope will point to the right area and start the imagine sequence including auto guiding?

When it comes to guiding Maxim dl ruels sub arc second!

Starry nights is a powerful planetarium the only one with a full CCD hi resolution colour map of the sky it also had 3 D galaxys planets ect- and if you get board you can put it into space ship mode and fly... erm forgot but light years at least fly up to things and around them.

But there are actually serious features too like importing your pictures in exact position with the correct scale and over laying them on the sky map! How about that for doing monster mosaics? you can see where you finished last time also having the possibility to take one short sub overlay it and knowing which ways th mosaic sequence should run. ie east to west north to south

2x2 plates

Megrez shooting narrowband

30 x Ha x 400 sec

30 x SII x 400 sec

30 x OIII x 400 sec

Hyperstar shooting Lum


Megrez shooting RGB Ha and the Hyperstar shooting LUM !!

122 arc minuets by 98 arc minuets per plate so 2x2 plate would be 244 arc minuets by 196 arc seconds in High resolution taking 15 about hours one winters night but getting 15 hours of RGB data! and 15 hours of LUM !!

Another cool thing is all sub are automatically sorted and stacked because the RA, DEC, filter used catalouge number and object name are saved in the fits header. Even DSLR files get imported as fits files! A fits header is the same as meta data in a RAW file.

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