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BBC Look North tonight. Piece about Stargazing Live and the Astronomy Centre @ Tod

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Just watched Look North (BBC's regional newsprogramme) tonight and they have had a big piece about Stargazing Live. Even The Astronomy Centre at Todmorden had a piece and Peter (Drew) was interviewed. It really looks like a great place and only about 40 minute drive from where I live. Now I am mobile again I will seriously make an effort to get over there.

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You will be more than welcome, we have had loads of visitors this week (extra openings Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Saturday night was the busiest, the last visitors arrived just before midnight! We were also at the Tatton Park's Thursday evening event.

We are open to the general public every Saturday night after 7.30 pm

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Hey Keith.

Thanks alot. I have been thinking about coming over for a while now. Have been out of commission for a few months following a eye operation, but am ok now and also back driving. I only live in Halifax, so not too far away.

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Hi there Keith , as a newbie here myself, I am posting questions about what to buy, and after reading this thread I think it would be a good idea to come over and have a look , I am in Padiham so not too far, and I can blast you with questions on what I should be looking for to start out. I hope you don't mind, you probably get the same beginner questions all the time, sorry if you do. You are only open on Saturdays as I understand! Are children allowed to come? ( 11 and 15 yr olds) . Well hope you not mind, thanks for taking time with us all. John

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