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PEC Training

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I understand how to do this and you have to park the scope before turning off the power.

BUT - can you release the clutches move the scope by hand , engage clutches again OR will this stop the PEC replay working correctly? I assume it will.


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The cogs stay engaged all the time, so you can't muck up the PEC by loosening the clutches.

Kaptain Klevtsov

Arrr.. thanks for that KK , so as long as you do not turn the power off before parking the PEC will be available next time you power up--yes?

Might do some training tonight - the HEQ5 - takes 10.5 mins for one complete turn and the EQ6 takes 8 mins - must have different gears?


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They must have I suppose. Is the plan to do staring at the crosshairs hoping you press the correct buttons for ten minutes then, or have you worked out a way to automate it?

Kaptain Klevtsov

Yep , 10mins of manual guiding is nothing compared to the days of film and no autoguiding.


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There seems to me a great chance of getting within seconds of the end and pressing the wrong button. I think I'll stick with guiding until I build a Wallace and Grommit type autobuttonmashermatic fed off the guiding software.

Kaptain Klevtsov

My mount seems pretty good at unguided exposures ( esp with the 350D ) so I hope only small corrections will be needed. I will give it a couple of goes , if things go wrong I don't have to engage the PEC.


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I received a new mount yesterday, and noticed quite a bit of trailing even at under 90s exposures.

Can you explain how to do the PEC training manually - I would be interested to try it myself tonight.


Best thing to do is go to page 11 of the manual.

If you have not got access to it it can be downloaded from http://sky-watcher.net/swtinc/customer_support.php?id=86&class1=1&class2=180


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