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Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 Mount Home Position


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I got a new Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount a few weeks ago. I noticed that after ending an observing session and selecting the "Home" position from the Utility menu, the mount does not return to the initial RA and Dec setting circle positions that I had established at setup. It could vary by about 1/2 degree. Since this is the first Skywatcher mount I have owned, is this normal or could there be an issue here?



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I'm taking a wild guess here so feel free to ignore :)

Once you set your initial home position, I'm assuming as per a normal EQ6 you then go through the GOTO alignment process?

This is going to change the position of where "home" is so I would not expect it to return to it's default position?

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I'm taking a wild guess here so feel free to ignore :)

Once you set your initial home position, I'm assuming as per a normal EQ6 you then go through the GOTO alignment process?

This is going to change the position of where "home" is so I would not expect it to return to it's default position?

Thanks Stephen,

That was my guess as well. So depending on your previous alignment, it would be best to reset the mount each time before starting up. It does ask you at the beginning if you want to start from "Home". I believe one time I said no and the mount went off into never-never land when I tried to go to an object.


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Starting from park is mostly useful with permanent setups. You still need to give it the time of day for it to pick up at the right place. I don't have a pier or permanent setup but to see how it worked I once told the mount to go to home and when it did I turned the power off as suggested by the controller. I left everything set up, covered the scope with a cloth and went to get a nap. Four hours later I went back, turned it on, went from park with the correct time and everything was just fine.

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