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equipment arrived...now questins starts...!

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OK, now i have my neq6 and GSO arrived....quick assembly and out for first light!

There is some issues thoug...

1. neq6 "slips" or cant hold its possition whats Im doing wrong

2. could not focus properly, but solved with help of internet, missed eyepiece "extension" for enough focus! ( it was supplies, but nota word in manual)

Nr 1 realy bothers me, no matter how loose or tight "break pads" are, it keeps sliping when it comes to certain point!

Tried to mout without OTA and it have not enough force to lift counterwights. I affraid to brake something, after all its not cheap equipment!

power is feeded by an 230v supply 12v max 30 amps!

help me out please, before i breke something!

The little of first light was AMAZING....crisp, clear wiev ( -20c outside so qiute frozen after 4h outside)

Happy with GSO, no i only have cheap supermarket OTA to compare with but anyway VERY pleased with optics!



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Usually the only thing that would cause a strain on a mount is poor balance.

A few things to check...

Make sure you have correctly balanced your scope in the DEC and RA axis;

Do you have the SynTrek or SynScan version of NEQ6?

Remove counterweights before attaching the mount to the tripod (without the OTA on either), tighten up the mount bolt underneath. Attach one of the weights and fix the clutches to 'on', then attach the OTA firmly. With the extension bar attached, attempt to balance the scope - if putting the weight to the end of the extension bar is not enough then move it back up the bar and add the other weight, adjust position along the bar until it is balanced. To balance in the other axis carefully move the OTA backwards or forwards (tighten up each time to check balance) in the saddle, make sure you have everything you would normally have attached to the scope when balancing - star diagonal, eyepiece, dew shield, etc.

If you have a small scope you may not need the extension bar, but on an NEQ6 I assume you have a heavy (or long) scope (I'm not sure what GSO is).

Always make sure you screw in the end cap to the weight bar - this stops the weight from accidentally slipping off. If you check the weight, one side has a larger bore (hole), I assume this end should point down to the end of the bar. Also tighten the weight bar clutch (to 'on' position).

Hope some of that might help!

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My versin is synscan.

Some reflektion:

I did an new balansing, and yes it was out of balance! Probably slipped out when rotating tube to get the eyepiece right! Now after balancing "testdrive" insiden went with ease!

conclusion: need an locking ring or "wilcox rings"...!

questin: how tight are clutches/brakes on an neq6 suppose to be? is tube rotatable "easily" when moving it for hand?

do cold affect the clutches? That night it was -20c outside!



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I got some help with clutch issue! I did find out that NEQ6 have adjustable brake/clutch! I toghtend it all up and Voila! :)

It was first clear skies for weeks tonight....did make an "polar alingment" and tested tube and goto! Works just great!

Now some food, wait ota to cool and spend evening out! :) And weather is just fine "only" -5c!



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Check the big screw underneath the mount that goes through the leg spreader and tripod head. It needs to be tight enough to hold the mount on top square and level against the tripod head - but just loose enough to allow the azimuth to move side to side. Ensure the legs are spread to their fullest extent before tightening up so there's no looseness in the legs. Hth :)

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