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Collimation of a laser collimator

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Well John, you must have influence in very high places, for no sooner had I posted my last reply, than the clouds disapated and the star test you suggested could proceed.

My scope passed the star test 100%. What does this mean? Well for me and my Jessops scope it means that manual set-up using the mark-one eye ball and an old 35mm film canister achieve a higher level of collimation than that achieved using a fancy laser collimator.

Why that is the case would need someone with more skill than I, but I suspect that the rack-and-pinion focuser my be slightly out or some other element of the light path is disturbed in some way.

For the time being I'll continue my journeys into space using the time honoured DIY method.

Thanks for all the advice, I've learnt a great deal and now need to understand the finer points of ebay to sell my laser collimator :laugh: .


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