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I've just started to try imaging. I have a Skywatcher 130m on an Eq-2 mount, a Canon 1100d DSLR, t-ring and the standard 2x barlow that came with the scope.

At the moment I've had to "be creative" with the setup, as I had been advised might happen, I could not achieve focus just using the t-ring screwed directly to the scope, so I turned the eyepiece holding screws around and used them to secure the t-ring to the barlow, excellent pikey skills!

Going forward I would like to buy a new barlow, preferably one threaded for the t-ring and possibly a 3x to give me a bit more reach, any suggestions?

Also, as my mount is unguided, targets obviously shoot through the view pretty quick, I made a quick video of jupiter the other night, some colour was visible, as were the four moons, but it just whizzes across the screen, is it possible to stack any images from a video like this, i.e can registax use multiple tracking points from a single video?

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Registax can cope with the image moving around frame to frame or you could put the vid through PIPP first to get everything cropped and nicely in the middle of each frame.

Isn't the 130m driven in RA? I would have thought even a poor PA and driven in RA would keep the image on the chip a bit longer.

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It's just the standard eq-2 mount, you can get the motor drive for the RA bundled in with the new black scope, mine is the older blue scope. I'll give PIPP a try, see what I can get from the video, cheers for the advice.

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