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Flats Check Out please?

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Hi, this is a flat my putting a plain white tea towel over the end of my ED80, smoothing it out so there were no wrinkles and then placing my iPad with a plain white screen over the end.


Are they bright enough do you think?

This is the first time I have ever done flats and the imperfections on the flat line up nicely with those in the corresponding images.

Thanks and regards, Steve

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You can't tell anything from what I take to be a screen stretch. All you need to do is look at the histogram and the peak should be about a third of the way to the right. It can often work when it's as far over to the right as two thirds but I get the most consistent results with a third.

You've picked up the dust bunnies but I'm just a bit suspicious of how evenly illuminated the chip is. However that mau just be good news about your optics and all might be hunky dory.


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